Famous Addresses: Unique Trivia About Addresses (Real & Fictional) #171

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Famous Addresses: Unique Trivia About Addresses (Real & Fictional) #171

Category Description

This is one of those fun, unique trivia categories that can include everyone at the table! While this popular trivia category is about addresses, it is about famous addresses in real life, but also those for characters in movies, TV shows, and books. So it's really a trivia category covering all types of media and all genres. Your trivia fans will love how it makes them think out of the box and remember little details about their favorite movies, shows, books, and travel destinations.

Sample Easy QuestionEasy: 124 Conch Street, Bikini Bottom is the address of what character?

Sample Medium Question221B Baker Street, London is the address of which title character?

Sample Hard Question1313 Mockingbird Ln is the address for the main family on which TV show?